Photo: Audio Plus
Cavatina Hall
Our distributor in Poland, Audio Plus, conducted the installation of all things lighting and audio at the new Cavatina Hall in Bielsko-Biała, and the Stagetracker II was the icing on the cake of this beautiful project.
Hyperreal sound with 141 speaker cabinets
The venue got one of the largest L-Acoustics L-ISA systems in Europe, combined with pristine acoustics and a stage that is one of a kind, the only thing to top it all was to add the Stagetracker II tracking system to the equation. Detailed and focused audio is reproduced to give the listeners a feeling of localization and accuracy that only an automated position can achieve, given by the performers themselves through 3D tracking. Cavatina Hall is the first venue in Poland to have a tracking system controlling the L-ISA. You can read more about the audio installation over at L-Acoustics website.
… It’s all focused on the audience
To complete the immersive experience, automated movinghead lights are also controlled with the Stagetracker II system. The venue uses ChamSys lighting consoles, which support PSN (PosiStageNet), so setup was done in no time from the installation team. The entire lighting rig of the venue is prepared for automation input from the tracking system, setting the lighting designer only a button press away from 3D immersiveness.
The excellent work of Audio Plus was recognized by the architectural and construction industry awarding them the Top Builder 2022 award for the integration of all the stage technologies and the L-ISA immersive sound system in the Cavatina Hall concert hall. You can read more about the award over at builderpolska.pl and uptone.pl.
Watch the detailed videos about the entire installation in Cavatina Hall in the videos below, and read all of the details over at Audio Plus’ website.
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