This beautiful theater right next to the Eiffel tower is a gem itself, but now it also tracks sound awesome!

Sound designer Marc-Piera and artist Séverine-Krouch

Chaillot consert hall

View from the stage of Théâtre National de Chaillot

Théâtre National de Chaillot Paris

Stagetracker II together with Amadeus Hollophonix makes Immersive sound real and Chaillot Theatre is one out of many places you can experience it.

The Théâtre National de Chaillot is located in the Palais de Chaillot at 1, on Trocadero in Paris. Close by the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadéro Gardens—the Théâtre de Chaillot is among the largest concert halls in Paris.  

Head of sound, Marc Pierra has installed a massive immersive speaker system in their main venue, the Jean Vilar hall (1270 seats). It consists of more than 100 speakers mounted on all sides of the venue. All speakers are fed with individual amplifiers. This very advanced speaker system enables Wave-Field Synthesis (WFS) to be applied to the audio. Amadeus HOLOPHONIX was chosen as the audio processor. The HOLOPHONIX processor brings together several different spatialization techniques including Wave Field Synthesis”. “This technique allows to replicate the sound field’s physical properties. Wherever they are in the theatre, the listener keeps a coherent perception of the sources’ localization,” explains Marc Piera, Chaillot National Theater’s sound department manager.  

Two RadioEye sensors were placed in the trussing in the processium opening, and that’s it! That was all that was needed to get 3D tracking of the performers on stage.The Stagetracker II software has a dedicated HOLOPHONIX plugin. Enter the IP address of the HOLOPHONIX processor, and the two systems starts to interact.